Dwelling Place
Dwelling Place (Podcast)
S1E22 The 41 Community - Phil PJ

S1E22 The 41 Community - Phil PJ

Young professional community life in central London.

The 41 Community is suited in large 4-storey London terrace which houses 10 young professionals who intentionally live together. Sharing in daily and weekly rhythms of meals, fun and housework, the 41 Community offers those working full-time somewhere to call home, belong and grow as individuals in the context of local and wider community.

Initially owned by an individual, and now hosted by a couple in partnership with a Christian charity, the 41 community is an exciting witness of urban community and the reclaiming of multi-roomed property for vibrant affordable living.

In this interview, Phil - who has been at no. 41 under its various stages of ownership and running - shares more about the 41 community, whilst also drawing on his experience of the L’Abri community and sharing his passion for urban models of community.

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Dwelling Place
Dwelling Place (Podcast)
A podcast series interviewing Christian community members, leaders and founders to learn more about the blessings, challenges, practicalities and wisdom of Christian community living.