Dwelling Place
Dwelling Place (Podcast)
S2E03 Bloomington Catholic Worker - Andrea Martinie Eiler

S2E03 Bloomington Catholic Worker - Andrea Martinie Eiler

Join us in the garden for an engaging conversation on the evolution of the Bloomington CW and its lessons on living deeply into reconciliation and hospitality.

Bloomington Catholic Worker is an ecumenical intentional Christian community in southern Indiana, USA. Built upon the tradition of the Catholic Worker movement, the community lives a life of prayer, voluntary poverty, pacifism and living out the works of mercy. As part of living deeply into this way of life and love, the community extends hospitality to the unhoused and has an emphasis on intentionally practising reconciliation within the community.

In this conversation, held in the blooming spring garden, co-founder of the Bloomington Catholic Worker, Andrea, energetically and honestly shares the ups and downs of the community’s 16 year existence, and the growth and learnings the community has been through. Full of humble wisdom - of the sort born only from long-term community commitment - you are sure to be touched by Bloomington Catholic Worker’s perseverance in love and learning.

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Dwelling Place
Dwelling Place (Podcast)
A podcast series interviewing Christian community members, leaders and founders to learn more about the blessings, challenges, practicalities and wisdom of Christian community living.