Dwelling Place
Dwelling Place (Podcast)
S1E02 Iona Community - Caro Penney

S1E02 Iona Community - Caro Penney

Caro, current warden of the Iona Community, provides a beautiful overview of the history, structure, practicalities, blessings and challenges of the Iona Community.

The Iona Community is an international, ecumenical Christian movement working for justice and peace, and the rebuilding of community and the renewal of worship. They are both a dispersed and residential community.

An established (since 1938) and large community (280 Members and more than 2,000 Associate Members, Young Adults and Friends across the world), in this interview Caro Penney - current warden for the residential community at Iona Abbey - shares the history, and evolution of the Iona Community as well as elaborating on how the Iona Community operates today.

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Dwelling Place
Dwelling Place (Podcast)
A podcast series interviewing Christian community members, leaders and founders to learn more about the blessings, challenges, practicalities and wisdom of Christian community living.